Layton City RAMP

2025 R.A.M.P. Grant Calendar

July 1, 2023
2022/2023 RAMP funds available to successful 2023 RAMP applicants

August 1, 2023
City to start accepting 2024 RAMP Grant applications

January 2, 2024
Deadline for all 2024 RAMP Grant applications

March 1, 2024
RAMP Advisory Commission submits 2024/2025 RAMP Grant funding recommendations for City Council to be included in City Managers budget.

March 15, 2024
RAMP Advisory Commissions final review of RAMP budget and the Commissions opportunity to amend recommendations.

May 4, 2024
City Council Meeting - Adopt tentative budget including tentative RAMP awards as required by State Code (10-6-111) (first council meeting in May)

June 2024
City Council Meeting - Public Hearing and adoption of the 2024/2025 budget (date TBD)

July 2024
RAMP award letters and agreements to be sent to successful 2024 RAMP applicants (date TBD)

July 3, 2024
2024/2025 RAMP funds available to successful 2024 RAMP applicants

October 2024
If needed - Selection of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and any other officers deemed necessary