Public Works Engineering

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What should I do if I hear or see water running in the street or on my property?
Call Public Works at 336-3720 during regular business hours or Police Dispatch at 497-8300 after hours, on weekends or on holidays.
If I have water pressure problems what should I do?
You can start by checking your screens in your sinks to make sure they are not plugged. Then you might want to check your regulator, it should be located near your shutoff valve. If you have continued problems call Public Works at 336-3720.
My water service lateral has a leak in it. Who is responsible for repairing the leak?
The homeowner is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the entire water lateral, from the home to the connection point at the water meter.  Refer to the attached document for more information Service Lateral.  A Street Cut permit will be required to any repair that will impact the street right-of-way, which is 1-foot behind sidewalk.  If a leak is detected or maintenance of the water service lateral is needed, contact the Layton City Public Works Department at (801) 336-3720 for assistance in turning the water off to make necessary repairs. 

Secondary Water FAQ

Which company provides secondary water to my home?

Click to view the secondary water map

Areas shaded on the map represent the following three secondary water service areas within Layton City:

  • Blue = Weber Basin
  • Green = Layton City (formerly Kays Creek Irrigation)
  • Red = Davis and Weber Counties Canal Company
I would like to report a leak or pressure problem on my secondary system. Who do I contact?

It depends on which secondary water company is in your area. First, check the secondary water service area map and determine the provider.  Then contact the appropriate company as listed below:

  • Weber Basin secondary service area -- contact Layton City Public Works Shop at (801) 336-3720 or submit an online leak or problem
  • Layton City (formerly Kays Creek Irrigation service area -- contact Layton City Public Works at (801) 336-3720
  • Davis and Weber Counties Canal Company service area – call Davis and Weber Counties Canal Company at (801) 774-6373
Why does my secondary water system have low pressure?

Most secondary water systems have filters that need to be cleaned periodically by the home or business owner.  Check that your filter is cleaned regularly.  Also refer to the following guidance from Weber Basin’s website:

My secondary water system is leaking in my yard. Who is responsible for fixing it?

Refer to the following info from Weber Basin’s website to determine typical ownership.

Can I connect to the secondary water system in my area?

Please contact the secondary water company directly to discuss connection opportunities.  Check that your location is within a secondary water service area by using the following map.

When will the secondary water system be turned on?

To be announced

When will the secondary water be turned off?

To be announced


If I see a downed traffic sign or traffic light what should I do?
Call Public Works at 336-3720 during regular business hours or Police Dispatch at 497-8300 after hours, on weekends or on holidays.
What are the priorities for snow removal?

The City has established the following priorities for snow removal.

Priority 1: Primary traffic streets are usually known as arterials. Arterial streets are determined to be the high volume, minimum network which must be kept open to provide the basic transportation system serving the high volume streets, hazardous intersections, hospitals, fire stations, police stations, schools and other “safety sensitive” areas within the City.

Collector streets are the basic networks covering the major traffic streets. Included are selected critical steep grade streets, access to schools and critical commercial areas.

Priority 2: Secondary and residential routes are selected minor arterial, secondary intersections, collectors, bus routes and residential neighborhood streets deemed desirable to be maintained as time and storm duration permit.

Priority 3: Remaining city streets, accesses or unpaved roadways

Please Note:
It is not the position of the City of Layton to maintain a bare pavement policy or to provide snow and ice removal on every City Street during or after every snowstorm. Therefore, after periods in which the movement of traffic has occurred, snowplows are not as effective for totally clearing packed snow or icy roadways. Temperatures, storm duration and intensity have a profound effect on the ability of snowplows to clear streets and for salt to melt the snow and ice.


When is a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) required with a Street Cut permit?
A TCP is required when the normal function of the roadway is altered creating an unsafe condition for workers, motor vehicles, pedestrians, and or bicycles. Under normal circumstances, construction activities conducted within a subdivision and located on the side of a road is considered reasonably safe for the slower traffic that use the road and will not be required to prepare a TCP. However, the proper signage and channelization devices should still be used to direct traffic away from the work zone.
Where can I get information on the preparation of Traffic Control Plans?
Layton City Engineering has a brief handout that outlines some of the requirements for a TCP. It is not all-inclusive and will not cover all situations. The main resource for preparing a TCP is the “Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Ch-6”. It is not necessary to purchase the manual. The Federal Highway Administration has made it available on their website at:
Do I need a permit to replace sidewalk, or curb and gutter?
Yes. Any work that will impact the City’s right-of-way requires a permit. This right-of-way is normally one foot behind the sidewalk.
Is a permit required to replace or add an additional drive approach?
Replacement of addition of drive approaches requires a permit, which is given out in the Engineering Department. You need to bring a drawing, which includes a measurement of the property frontage, the measurement of the existing driveway and what you plan to widen or add to your drive approach. This drawing is reviewed and approved through the Community Development department (Kem Weaver), prior to obtaining this permit.
Will the City help with any of the sidewalk replacement costs?
The City does a biennial sidewalk replacement project, determined by a physical survey of the City sidewalks, and using URMMA and ADA recommendations. If your sidewalk does not qualify for replacement, or if you desire replacement before the City can schedule this replacement, the City can schedule the cutting out and hauling off of your curb & gutter or sidewalk, and you would then be required to have this replaced by a concrete specialist of your choice. A Sidewalk/ Curb & Gutter/ Drive Approach Replacement Permit is required before the Public Works Department will schedule for this service.
Where do I obtain a Sidewalk/ Curb & Gutter/ Drive Approach permit?
What information will I need to bring to obtain this permit?
Permits for driveway, sidewalk, or curb & gutter replacement are obtained in the Engineering department. You must obtain an approval from Community Development on your drive approach permit if you would like to widen an existing drive approach or adding an additional approach.
When do I need a Street Cut Permit? How do I obtain one?
Anytime you anticipate being in the right-of-way of the City, a street cut permit is required. Normally this is right-of-way is 1-foot behind sidewalk. This permit may be obtained in the Engineering Department. For questions call: (801) 336-3700.
What is a Street Cut Bond? Is this refundable?
A Street Cut Bond is required when digging in the right-of-way of the City. It is determined by the length of cut, and is paid at the time of applying for Street Cut Permit. This Cash Surety Bond is held for one year, and is refundable if the trench maintains its integrity for that year.
What is a trench maintenance fee?
The trench maintenance fee is based upon the size of the road, the length of the cut, the type of utility being replaced or installed, and the placement of the repair within the road. These fees are used for the eventual overlay of these impacted roads.
When do “double winter rates” go into effect on Street Cut permits?
Winter fees shall be double the permit fee for an excavation made between October 15th and May 15th. For further questions, please refer to City Ordinance 99-54, Municipal Code Chapter 12.16.
My sanitary sewer lateral has a break in it. Who is responsible to repair the break?
The homeowner is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the entire sewer lateral, from the home to the connection point at the main.  Refer to the attached document for more information Sewer Lateral.  A Street Cut permit will be required to any repair that will impact the street right-of-way, which is 1-foot behind sidewalk. 
Where can I find the current Layton City Development Guidelines and Design Standards and Standard Plans for Public Facilities Construction?
These manuals can be found on our website, or they may be purchased at the Public Works Engineering Department at the Layton City offices for $25 a set.
How do I apply for a UPDES General Construction Storm Water Permit?
Applications can be completed online at: All subdivision and commercial developments are required to acquire the UPDES General Construction Storm Water Permit, and submit a copy of this permit to Layton City before a pre-construction meeting can be scheduled.