Water Conservation Resources
Water Conservation Resources
Outdoor Watering Guidelines

The secondary and outdoor watering season ends on October 15, 2024. As you prepare your lawns for winter, shut your valves after the water has been turned off.
As we near the end of secondary water season, remember:
- Secondary water services will be turned off October 15th.
- Water only two days a week if needed.
- Fine-tune your sprinklers to decrease watering times and lengths.
Please refer to and follow the Weekly Lawn Watering Guide throughout the watering season. This recommendation applies to both secondary water customers and culinary water (drinking water) customers for all outdoor irrigation of landscapes. To view current watering recommendations visit https://conservewater.utah.gov/weekly-lawn-watering-guide.
As a reminder, outdoor watering for landscape irrigation purposes is not allowed between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.
Additional Water Conservation Resources

State Website

Utah Water Savers

Davis & Weber Counties Canal Company

Water Conservation Resources Newsletter & Plan
The Mayor talks with Steve Jackson, the City Engineer about water regulations, useage, and resources. Jackson also talks about what measures the city is taking to meet or exceed the water conservation goals set by the state.
On this week's Monday with the Mayor, I chat with Dave Price, Director of Layton City Parks and Recreation about water conservation. It was also interesting to hear from JoEllen Grandy, Layton City Parks Planner, about the new design for our parks.
It was an honor to sit down with Tage Flint, CEO of the Weber Basin Conservancy District, to discuss our water situation now and into the future.