Surf 'N Swim Programs/Classes
- Appropriate support while holding child in the water.
- How to prepare and encourage child to participate fully and try the skills.
- Water safety topics
- Adjustment and water exploration
- Choose and use a lifejacket
- Blow bubbles
- Supported front and back float
- Front and Back Movement
- Water Exploration
- Front and Back Float (with support)
- Front and Back Glide (with support)
- Enter independently, using either the ladder, steps or side, travel at least 5 yards, submerge to mouth and blow bubbles for at least 3 seconds then safely exit the water. (Children can walk, move along the gutter or "swim.")
- While in shallow water, glide on front at least 2 body lengths, then roll to back and float on back 3 seconds then recover to a vertical position.
- Perform front and back movement
- Front and back float for 5 sec unassisted
- Front and back glide for 5 sec unassisted
- Perform correct front crawl kick
- Perform fining with kicks on back, roll to front and swim with freestyle arms at least 15yards in deep water.
- Step from side into chest deep water, move into a front float for 5 sec, roll to back,float for 5 sec and recover to a standing position.
- Perform 4 to 5 strokes of freestyle arms with kicks, roll over and perform 4 to 5 strokes of fining with kicks on back across deeper water.
- Performs bobs with rhythmic breathing
- Water exploration, change of direction of travel while swimming
- Front and Back Floats and Glides unassisted
- Swimming front and back and diving from the side of the pool
- Tread water independently
- Step from the side into chest deep water, move into a front float for 10 seconds, roll to back, float for 10 seconds then recover to a standing position.
- Learns correct breathing for freestyle and be in a complete prone position in the water.
- Dive into water and perform freestyle for 10 to 15 yards across deep water.
- Front Glide, 2 body lengths
- Back Glide, 2 body lengths
- Roll From Front to Back
- Alternating Arm and Leg Action On Front, 2 body lengths
- Alternating Arm and Leg Action On Back, 2 body lengths
- Enter independently, using either the ladder, steps or side, travel at least5 yards, submerge to mouth and blow bubbles for at least 3 seconds then safelyexit the water. (Children can walk, move along the gutter or "swim.")
- While in shallow water, glide on front at least 2 body lengths, then roll to back and float on back 3 seconds then recover to a vertical position.
- Fully submerging and holding breath for 5 seconds
- Combined arm and leg actions on front, 5 body lengths
- Combined arm and leg actions on back, 5 body lengths
- Treading using arm and leg action, 15 seconds
- Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front float for 5 seconds,roll to back, float for 5 seconds then return to a vertical position.
- Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to front then recover to a verticalposition.
- Push off wall and swim using combined arm and leg actions on front for 5 body lengths,float for 15 seconds, roll to front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.
- Front Crawl, 15 yards
- Elementary Backstroke, 15 yards
- Tread Water, 30 seconds
- Rotary Breathing, 10 times
- Headfirst entry from the side in a kneeling position
- Jump into deep water from side, swim front crawl for 15 yards, maintain position by treading or floating for 30 seconds and swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards.
- Front Crawl, 25 yards
- Breaststroke, 15 yards
- Butterfly, 15 yards
- Front Crawl Open Turn
- Backstroke Open Turn
- Perform a feet-first entry into deep water, swim front crawl for 25 yards, change direction and position as necessary and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards.
- Swim breaststroke for 15 yards, change direction and position as necessary and swim back crawl for 15 yards.
- Front flip turn while swimming
- Front Crawl, 50 yards
- Breaststroke, 25 yards
- Butterfly, 25 yards
- Elementary backstroke, 50 yards
- Back Crawl, 25 yards
- Perform a shallow-angle dive into deep water, swim front crawl for 50 yards, changedirection and position of travel as necessary and swim elementary backstroke 50 yards.
- Swim breaststroke for 25 yards, change direction and position as necessary and swim back crawl for 25 yards.
- Front Crawl, 100 yards
- Back Crawl, 50 yards
- HELP Position, 2 minutes
- Survival Float, 5 minutes
- Huddle position, 2 minutes
- Swim 500 yards continuously using any 3 strokes of your choice, swimming at least50 yards of each stroke.
- Jump into deep water, perform a survival float for 5 minutes, roll onto back and perform a back float for 5 minutes.
- Perform a feet-first surface dive, retrieve an object from the bottom of the poolat a depth of 7-10 feet, return to surface and return to starting point.
- Front Crawl, 100 yards
- Back Crawl, 50 yards
- Circle Swimming
- Using A Pace Clock
- Demonstrates Various Training Techniques
- Swim 500 yards continuously using any 3 strokes of your choice, swimming at least 50 yards of each stroke.
- Perform the Cooper 12-minute swim test and compare results with the pre-assessment results.
The American Red Cross Lifeguarding classes are designed to teach you not only the basics in water safety but also the proper protocol when dealing with any emergencies around water. The Red Cross blends both traditional lecture style along with crucial hands-on training in order to teach you effective techniques to deliver prompt care to those in need. Learn how to respond safely and efficiently to water emergencies with lifeguard classes from the American Red Cross.
**Participants must pass a swim pre-test prior to the first day of class to continue and receive their certification. Swim test consists of:
1- 300 yard continuous swim (100 yds front crawl, 100 yds breast stroke, and 100 yds choice of front crawl or breast stroke)
2- 10 lb Brick Retrieval
3- 2 minute of tread, kick only (no hands)
Parks and Recreation
465 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041
(801) 336-3920 Rainout Hotline
(801) 336-3930 Museum
(801) 336-3939 Surf 'n Swim