Layton City's Vietnam Memorial Wall Replica
Parks and Recreation
Vietnam Memorial Wall Replica
Visit the Wall
5:00 AM to 11:00 PM
The Vietnam Memorial Wall Replica is located at the far north end of Layton Commons Park (at the north end of Constitution Circle)
508 Constitution Circle
Layton, Utah 84041
508 Constitution Circle
Layton, Utah 84041
Schedule a Tour
To schedule a guided tour (group or individual) at the Wall please contact one of the following:
Vietnam Veterans of America
Northern Utah, VVA Chapter #1079
Chapter President, Ken Bissenden
Phone: 801-732-7670
Email: k_bissenden@hotmail.com
Northern Utah, VVA Chapter #1079
Chapter President, Ken Bissenden
Phone: 801-732-7670
Email: k_bissenden@hotmail.com
Vietnam Veterans of America
VVA UT State Council
Utah State Council President, Dennis Howland
At-large Director Vietnam Veterans of America
Phone: 801-389-1893
Email: dennishowland46@hotmail.com
VVA UT State Council
Utah State Council President, Dennis Howland
At-large Director Vietnam Veterans of America
Phone: 801-389-1893
Email: dennishowland46@hotmail.com
Schedule an Event
Submit a Layton City Special Event Application,
NOTE: 30 day notice is required to request an event at the Wall.
Find a Name on the Wall
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall has names listed in chronological order by date of loss, there are several websites and apps available to assist in finding a name on the Wall.
Mobile App:
Heritage Museum
- Visit the museum's display honoring veterans
- If interested in donating items to the museum contact the Parks and Recreation Office at (801) 336-3900

Thank you to our Sponsors
Gold Star Sponsors
- Davis County
- Disabled American Veterans
- Kari and Lon Swainston and the Riders of Saltair Farm
- Layton City
- Layton City RAMP
- Lindquist
- State of Utah
- The Home Depot Foundation
- Utah State Council & Chapter 1079 & Assoc. Vietnam Veterans of America
Silver Star Sponsors
- Amcor Oldcastle
- Geneva Rock & Holcim
- Jesse W. & Ellen B & Col Sherman & Mardy Stevenson
- Kihomac
- Myer's Mortuary
- Rotarty Club of Layton
- Sounds of Freedom Festival
- The Theobald Family
- Yarbrough Construction Inc.
- Young's Engineering Services Inc.
Bronze Star Sponsors
- 2018 Layton City Parks Division
- Adrenaline Design & Graphics -Layton, UT
- Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 1163 Hill AFB, UT
- American Veterans Traveling Tribute Inc.
- Bank of American Fork
- Colonial Flag
- Concrete Coatings, Inc.
- Customers and Crew of Dairy Queen
- Dennis and Sherry Howland
- First National Bank
- Haight Bey & Associates
- Herman & Donna Raiff
- Hunt Electric, INC.
- Jackson Cebollero
- Jan McQuinn Owens
- Jeff and Evelyn Jensen and Families
- Jeps Foundation
- Jim, David & Kevin Wilcox with Wilcox Masonry Inc.
- Joy Petro & Family
- Kenneth C. & Christine L. Bissenden
- Layton Walmart Store #1699
- Bob & Lisa Stevenson
- POW MIA Awareness Organization of Utah
- Ray & Kathy Tall
- Special Forces Association Chapter 70
- Staker Parson Materials & Construction
- The Foundation Firm
- The Weese Family
- U.A. Local 140 Plumbers, Pipefitters, HVAC+R
- U.S. Magnesuim
- Utah Elks Veterans Programs
- Utah State Senator Jerry & Susan Stevenson
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Utah
- Watson Management & The Watson Family
- Ensign Engineering and Land Surveying
- Hunt Electric
- Richards Sheet Metal Works, Inc.
- The Foundation Firm
- Wilcox Masonry
- Yarbrough Construction
- American Veterans Traveling Tribute Inc.
Donations - Donations for the Wall are accepted at Layton City Parks and Recreation Department, located at 465 North Wasatch Drive.
Parks and Recreation:
(801) 336-3900 Office