Community & Economic Development
Community & Economic Development
Mission Statement
The Community and Economic Development Department’s role and mission is to provide timely, fair, and professional services in the following
areas: Current Planning (zoning), Comprehensive Planning, Code Enforcement, Building Inspection, Business Licensing, Economic Development
and Historic Preservation. Through hard work in each of these services, we hope to create a safer and more pleasing environment for the citizens
of Layton City. To this end we establish yearly goals and objectives to guide us toward accomplishing the most important tasks.
Community & Economic Development Functions
Primarily, it is the duty of the Community and Economic Development Department to oversee and manage the planning, development, building and
growth of Layton City. Specifically the department duties are: issue building permits and ensure code compliance through building inspections;
license businesses; comprehensive planning (land use master plan); zoning; zoning enforcement; site plan review; economic development; historic
preservation and rehabilitation programs; maintain the statistical base for the City; administer Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
We also serve as advisors to the City Council, Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and the Design Review Committee.
Layton City Moderate Income Housing Report
Community & Economic Development
437 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041
(801) 336-3780
(801) 336-3780 - Planning & Zoning
(801) 336-3760 - Building Division (Permits & Inspections)
(801) 336-3788 - Business Licensing
(801) 336-3780 - Planning & Zoning
(801) 336-3760 - Building Division (Permits & Inspections)
(801) 336-3788 - Business Licensing