Layton City Police
Community Resources and Services
Layton Police Department Tours
The Layton Police Department Community Engagement Group offers the following classes as part of their community education program. Please call at least two weeks before you want the presentation and if possible be flexible on the day of the week.
Assault Defense for Women
The Layton Police Department teaches an Assault Defense for Women class several times each year. The free class is for women and girls only, and attendees must be 16 years of age or older due to some of the content discussed in the class. Those attending will learn the dynamics of various types of assaults in a classroom setting, and then practice some basic strikes and physical techniques to defend themselves. The class is capped at 20 participants each session, and dates are announced periodically on the Layton City Police Department Facebook page.
Contact Lt. Travis Lyman at (801) 336-3443 for more details.
Internet Safety Presentations
These presentations are age-appropriate and are tailored to the attention span and interest of the audience. Young children (Grades K-2) are introduced to the presence of online dangers and the importance of using the Internet with a trusted adult. Older children (Grades 3-6) learn what to watch out for online and how to avoid these dangers. Teens (Middle and High School) are shown the consequences of risky Internet behavior. Adults are taught basic Internet concepts and shown how easy it is for someone to find personal information about their children. They will also receive resources for communicating with children and teenagers about Internet concerns in a positive manner. To schedule an Internet Safety Presentation please call (801) 336-3462.
radKIDS is a child safety and empowerment course taught by the Layton City Police Department for elementary students 7 to 12 years old. The radKIDS course focuses on a variety of aspects of child safety including bicycle safety, vehicle safety, fire safety and stranger safety. Classes are taught at various elementary schools in Layton throughout the summer.
Register online through Layton City's Parks and Recreation Department:
Alarm Permits
Businesses and residences having an alarm system are required to obtain a permit from the Police Department. Applications for the permit can be obtained from the company installing your alarm.
The application must be filled out completely and must bear signatures from the property owner, installer of the alarm, and authorized representative of the alarm company. The application must also list three responsible parties who will be available and willing to respond to the premise in case of an alarm. When the application is complete, your alarm company should send the application to the Police Department.
There are no fees associated with the alarm permit however, if more than two false alarms occur at the same premises within a three month period, the property owner will be assessed a fee. Additionally, on business premise alarms, if no responsible party responds, the owner of the business will be assessed a fee. For further information regarding fees and alarms see Chapter 5.28 of the Layton City Municipal Code.
Criminal History Check
If you are a resident of Layton City you may request a copy of your own Utah criminal history between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. A $15.00 fee will be assessed at the time of application and you must bring valid state or federal government issued photo ID. You may only request a copy of your own record and only the Utah criminal history files will be checked. For information regarding national criminal history checks contact the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification at bci.utah.gov.
The Layton Police Department generally offers fingerprinting on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M., excluding holidays. The cost is $20.00 per person for up to three cards and $5.00 for each additional card.
We offer inked fingerprint services.
The Layton City Police Department will be resuming public fingerprinting services for the citizens of Layton City. In order to keep our citizens and employee's healthy, we have implemented the following changes:
- An appointment is required. Fingerprinting services are provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays). You may schedule your appointment by clicking on the following link Fingerprint Appointment.
- If you are late or unable to make your scheduled appointment, you will be required to reschedule for a later date.
- If you need to cancel a scheduled appointment, contact the Records Division at (801) 336-3530.
- In the rare event that your appointment must be cancelled by the Layton City Police Department, you will be notified by email. Appointments may be rescheduled by clicking on the following link Fingerprint Appointment.
Letter of Good Conduct
The Police Department will provide a letter of good conduct to citizens of Layton City free of charge, provided there is no record at the Layton Police Department of a criminal conviction. These letters are generally used for individuals wishing to obtain a Visa for international travel.
Layton City Police Department
429 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041