Layton City Police
Crime Free Multi-Housing
Program Overview
The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program was developed at the Mesa Arizona Police Department in 1992, with the goal of reducing crime, drug, and gang activity in rental properties.
The program is sponsored by the International Crime Free Association which provides training and other assistance to law enforcement agencies in the administration of their
programs. The program has been successfully implemented in more than 2,000 cities in 48 U.S. States. According to the International Crime Free Association the program achieves
almost instant success, with properties certified in the program showing an average 75-90% reduction in crime and/or police calls for service. The purpose of the program is to
gain the commitment of property owners, managers, tenants, and the community to maintain properties free of illegal or destructive activity and to promote a higher quality of
life within each neighborhood.
Program Outline
The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program consists of three-phases that are conducted by or with the support of the Layton Police Department. Property managers can become individually certified after completing training in each phase and the property becomes certified upon successful completion of all three phases.
Program Phases
Phase One is an 8-hour training seminar for property managers presented by the police department. Topics include tenant screening, crime prevention, evictions and drug/gang recognition. Attendees receive a certificate upon completion.
Phase Two is a security assessment of the rental property to certify that minimum safety requirements have been met. Management will also receive suggestions from certified Crime Free Officers on how to improve the property to help meet program goals and reduce illegal activity while improving the living conditions of the property.
Phase Three is a crime prevention meeting for tenants run by the management with support from the Layton Police Department. The property then receives full certification and will receive signage for the property, the ability to use the Crime Free logo and name in advertising as well as more direct lines of communication to and from Officers regarding property issues.
For more information on completing the Crime Free Multi-Housing program please contact the Crime Free program at crimefree@laytoncity.org.
** Layton City does not endorse or recommend one property over another
Multiple properties are in the process of undergoing full certification. Below are the properties that are fully certified:
Phone: (801) 773-3430
Phone: (801) 771-0212
Phone: (801) 825-3862
Website: medallioncommunities.com/community/rolling-hills/
Phone: (801) 546-0083
Phone: (385) 245-1199
Phone: (844) 322-6634
Layton City Police Department
429 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041