Layton City Police
Sex Offender Information
Investigations Division
Per Utah law, convicted sex offenders living in Layton City are required to register their information in person with the Layton Police Investigations Division twice per year at the police department. Offenders must also respond in person any time there is a change in their registration information. During the months in between the registration appointments at the Department, patrol officers conduct verification checks at the offenders’ homes to ensure their registration information is accurate. Any violations can be enforced by the patrol officers or forwarded to detectives for further follow up.
With this process in place, each offender’s information should be verified at least four times per year, with two of those verification checks taking place at the offender’s residence to ensure the accuracy of the information. The Layton City Police Department maintains a professional and respectful relationship with sex offenders who live in our City. Chief Swanson would like to reassure our citizens that we will remain committed to conducting verification checks and enforcing sex offender registration requirements.
For information on offenders that live within Layton City, please visit the Utah Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry website.
Sex Offender Information
Per Utah law, if you are a registered sex offender living within the corporate limits of Layton City, you are required to update your information in person with the Layton City Police Department. In order to update your information, you must schedule an appointment by contacting the Investigations Division Administrative Assistant at (801) 336-3526. Layton City charges a $25 annual supervision fee which will be assessed during the month of your birth.
PoliceInvestigationsSecretary For questions about the sex offender registry, please contact the Utah Department of Correction, Sex Offender Registry Unit, at 801-495-7700.
Layton City Police Department
429 N Wasatch Dr
Layton, UT 84041