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Christmas Tree Pickup Schedule

From Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024 to Friday, January 12th, 2024.

Please have the trees cut up into 4 foot sections and/or in half.

Place the tree at the curb on your service day by 6 AM.


Outdoor Watering Guidelines - October 2023

October 15, 2023 all secondary water will be shut off. Continuing with our effective steps in conserving water, (and thanks to the cooler weather coming) we are also asking for voluntary compliance in suspending outdoor culinary water use as well. While Layton City has been successful in water conservation this year, we need to continue these efforts. Thanks for a great conservation summer

Thank you again for being "Water-Wise" and here is the Weekly Watering Guide::


Planning Commission Vacancy

Layton City is currently accepting applications for a Planning Commission vacancy. The Planning Commission plays a vital role in shaping development within the City and verifying compliance with the Municipal Code and the General Plan. The Commission reviews, approves, and makes recommendations to the City Council for land use applications such as conditional use permits, preliminary subdivisions, development plans, and zoning code amendments.

The Planning Commission typically meets


Gordon Ave & Hwy 89 Town Center Master Plan - Open House

The future Gordon Ave & Hwy 89 Town Center is one of six town centers within Layton and includes approximately 40 acres of undeveloped ground. The City is working to create a master plan to be the guide for how this town center is developed. We need your help and your voice, join your community in pro


Layton City 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Center, Emergency Operations Center, and Records Facility

Layton City is requesting proposals for professional Engineering/Architectural design services for the design and construction supervision services for a new Emergency Communications Center (ECC), Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Records Facility. The City will also be using the Construction Manager / General Contractor (CMGC) delivery method for this project. Close coordination with the CMGC (to be selected after this RFP is awarded) will be required. The City is looking for qualified a


Layton City Accepting Letters of Interest for the Parks and Recreation Commission

Layton City is currently accepting applications to fill vacant positions on the Layton City Parks and Recreation Commission. This Commission functions as planning and advisory body to the City Council in matters pertaining to Parks and Recreation within the City.

The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of eight at-large members. This Commission is specifically tasked with advising the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Department with long range planning for Layton Cit


Hill Air Force Base Seeks Community Representative

The Hill Air Force Base Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) is seeking a Layton resident to fill the position of community representative on the RAB.  The Layton community representative serves the interests of Layton residents on the RAB during the environmental cleanup in Layton.  The RAB is a committee consisting of government and community representatives who advise Hill AFB on community concerns regarding environmental investigation and cleanup activities conducted by the Air Forc


Layton City Parks and Recreation 2022 Volunteer of the Year

Each year the Layton City Parks and Recreation Department coordinates with many different groups and individuals who serve as volunteers in a variety of capacities within the Department.  From youth coaches, citizen committee members, specialized service projects, special events, and many more; these volunteers are greatly appreciated.  Many of the programs ran through the Parks and Recreation Department would not be possible without these individuals who


Planning Commission Vacancy

Layton City is currently accepting applications for a Planning Commission vacancy. The Planning Commission plays a vital role in shaping development within the City and verifying compliance with the Municipal Code and the General Plan. The Commission reviews, approves, and makes recommendations to the City Council for land use applications such as conditional use permits, preliminary subdivisions, development plans, and zoning code amendments.

The Plannin

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